Thursday, July 29, 2010

shiny moments of the week

one of my major flaws is that i tend to lose steam once i start something, as evident from my lack of posting for the past week! my peace offering to you is a monster-size shiny moments post:

1. in regards to a charge against a man for wearing his pants too low, judge ruben franco threw out the charge, saying "the constitution still leaves some opportunity for people to be foolish if they so desire." thank you for the permission. 

2. it's been a rough week for snooki. after being ripped apart in this new york times article, obama pretends not to know who she is on "the view," despite making a joke about her a few weeks ago at the white house correspondents' dinner:

"This next provision is called the Jersey Shore-Up. It reads: 'The following individuals shall be excluded from the indoor tanning tax within this bill.' Snooki, J-WOWW, the Situation, and House Minority Leader John Boehner."

obama might soon have a situation on his hands. 

3. i finally saw inception and was blown away. visual effects were stunning--and i'm not talking about the cinematography. leo dicaprio, joseph gordon-levitt, and tom hardy oh my!

leo--brooding and broken. joseph gordon-levitt--sexy geek. tom hardy--bad assssssss. 

this was the first movie i've seen with tom hardy and all i can do is drool. 

i am also weirdly turned on by this: when asked if he's ever had sexual relations with men, tom hardy responded
"Of course I have. I'm an actor for fuck's sake." 

what a bad ass. a sexy, sexy bad ass. 

4. a friend introduced me to dear girls above me which chronicles the dumb things that the girls who live above the author say

Charlie covering his ears
here are my three favorite posts:

Dear Girls Above Me, 
“My version of white water rafting is to down a bottle of chardonnay.” My version of white water rafting is white water rafting

Dear Girls Above Me, 
“No! The ‘which Sex and the City girl are you’ survey said I’m Samantha. I’m so a Carrie!” Don’t beat yourself up, I got Miranda.

Dear Girls Above Me, 
No you can’t go on The Biggest Loser wearing a fat suit & win by “popping the suit during weigh-in.”

i may or may not have thought these things too. 

maybe he just wanted to cuddle.

6. the return of project runway...

7. ...and the jersey shore

8. bucknell (my school!) was named the third in salary potential among liberal arts schools by payscale

good to know. 

9. eric northman looking dead sexy (that's a pun!) in this week's true blood in that baby blue sweater. for my favorite moment, where eric tells sookie to shut up and grabs her mouth (you could cut the sexual tension with a stake!), watch the first few seconds of this video of show creator alan ball recapping the episode. 

i NEED more of this--and for it to be real this time!

i just can't get enough of alexander skarsgard (especially in the low v-necks he frequently sports as eric northman). i have had a soft spot for him since he was in gaga's paparazzi video, her first with jonas akerlund

i also recently discovered that skarsgard was meekus in zoolander
earth to whom it may concern: a message from balls models.

10. i posted a question about the new york times article, "the web means the end of forgetting," about facebook and privacy issues on the bits blog and it was answered! see my question answered here. my pseudonym is "class of 2011"

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