Thursday, July 8, 2010

loving you is cherry pie

i am gearing up for the monster ball tomorrow at madison square garden and i am beside myself with excitement!!!! after a change of plans, i will be attending with my beloved cousin john. his shamelessness is truly to be admired. 

of course i am dressing appropriately because, as Gaga says, "once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger." i will be dressing in the style of "telephone": leotard, fishnets, ankle boots, and lace slip. possibly chains (if my dad finds them in the garage). john is coming from work and will be in a suit. we will be quite the duo. he can just be alejandro or something...

here are some photos from "telephone" that inspired my look:

gaga-licious! i will be taking lots of pictures so expect those soon! 

enjoy your weekend--i know i will! 


  1. MY GOODNESS!! That is soo exciting, you'll have to show us your photos from the ball, I am sure you are going to have an absolute blast, it is so much fun dressing up!! :) Hazel

  2. have the bestestest time ever. love you.
