Wednesday, July 7, 2010


ok. i admit it. sometimes i wear my glasses...or put my hair in a messy ponytail/bun...or forget to tweeze my eyebrows...or miss shaving that same spot on my leg...or have chipped nails. oh, i also spill coffee on myself practically every day. 

there's always something a little off. 

but i will never violate a fashion faux paus when i have my hair cut/highlighted (i've been blondifying since 7th grade and will never look back). my mother taught me that if you go to the beauty parlor looking sloppy, they will think that you don't care about the way you look. if you don't care about the way you look, you won't care about your hair. if they think you don't care about your hair, they won't do as good of a job.

i am getting my hair cut/highlighted tomorrow. i must look perfect. 


  1. I had never thought about it like that! Although, I always wear nice shoes shoe-shopping. The shopkeepers instantly respect you when you have stylish shoes on.

    Love your blog - stop by mine sometime.

    Andrea X

  2. Brell- I have never thought about that before! I ALWAYS look sloppy in the hairdresser though I do always look lovely when I go shopping at nice places.

    Maybe it's because I really don't care about my hair....either way I need to get it cut soon.

  3. love the picture and love y-o-u :)

  4. Fascinating! I've never thought about that before, but it makes sense. Thanks for the tip!
